Q. Why should I be a registered member?
Answer: After being registered member you will be able to create your own profile here in bdhoteljobs.com and you will be to apply online for thousands of job with just a simple click through apply button.
Q. How can I be a registered member?
Answer: just go to home page and click job seeker registration button or click sign up button in the home page or click here after providing all necessary information we will send a verification link, click that link to log in.
Q. How can I submit my resume?
Answer: Once you are a registered member here bdhoteljobs.com by providing all required information then you should make your own profile by fill up all detailed professional information which will automatically create a resume for you while you click save button. And through this resume you can apply thousands of jobs with just a simple click through apply button.
Q. How can I edit my resume?
Answer: log in to this site with password and go to profile (job seeker’s profile) click edit option, Click save button while your edit is done.
Q. Can everyone view my Resume?
Answer: Only registered employer can view your resume and contact you for interview session through phone call or e-mail.
Q. How can I get more interview calls?
Answer: A Compete resume is much reliable to an employer. You should fill up all required information during create your profile to make a valuable resume which will ensure you to get more interview calls.
Q. Is it necessary to upload my photo in my profile/resume?
Answer: without your photo your resume will not be completed and also employer will not be interested to call you for interview as it seems a fake account.
Q. How can I apply a job?
Answer: Once you are a registered member here in bdhoteljobs.com and having your profile then you will be able to apply thousands of jobs published here in bdhoteljobs.com with just a simple click through apply button.
Q. Can I apply for job without registration?
Answer: No, only registered members can apply online any jobs published here in bdhoteljobs.com with just a simple click through apply button.
Q. What should I do if I forget my password?
Answer: Click forgot my password below registration button, write your e-mail ID which you provided during registration. We will send a reset password link, and then with this link you can log in to your profile. You may also e-mail us regarding this issue or click here
Q. How can Change my password?
Answer: Click forgot my password below registration button, write your e-mail ID which you provided during registration. We will send a reset password link, and then with this link you can log in to your profile. You may also e-mail us regarding this issue or click here
Q. Why should I be premium member?
Answer: Premium member is an upgrade category of membership. A premium member will be able to promote themselves on this site homepage and can get easily recognized by employer. And premium members will get personalized service in terms of searching jobs as well.
Q. How can I be premium member?
Answer: log in first, go to your profile and then click upgrade membership option and follow according to instruction. Or click here
Q. How can I promote myself?
Answer: log in to your account first, and then upgrade your membership to premium member. Once you become premium member then you will be able to promote yourself here in this site homepage by simply click promote myself option.
Q. Can I E-mail my CV?
Answer: After log in to your profile click e-mail my resume option then enter desired e-mail address and click send button.
Q. How do I report problems I have with your services?
Answer: If you have any queries or complaints with any of our services, then you are requested to write us immediately through our contact or click here